LinkedIn Marketing Strategy: 3 Pillars of Successful Lead Generation
The key to Linkedin marketing stands on three pillars.
Your positioning.
Your content.
And your outreach.
Together they form a benevolent flywheel that can help turn this annoying social platform into a consistent source of branding, delivering both inbound and outbound opportunities.

Pillar 1: Positioning
We begin by diving deep into who you are, both personally and as a representative of your business.
Positioning and differentiation is key in a noisy market place.
This will best be exemplified by how we tweak your profile.
Your headline, your photo, your about section, the articles, work history, recommendations.
Positioning you properly can make all the difference.
We’ve ran many split tests and those with the right title and the right presentation connect at higher rates on Linkedin, with far more sales opportunities that are far more likely to convert into new opportunities.
Pillar 2: Your Content
The vast majority of the B2B 1`world does not know how to create social content that sells. They either share awards they’ve won, articles they’ve seen, or tips that their target market glazes over.
But the most powerful form of content you can master is to tell emotionally-packed stories that subtly dog whistles to your target market. Our minds operate in narratives, we are biologically wired to respond to the Hero’s Journey.
Tales of anguish, calls to adventure, traumatizing defeats, perseverance, resilience and ultimately, coming home a hero with the Holy Grail, Enlightenment, and the Buried Treasure.
Every story since the dawn of time contains these narrative structures
and motifs. This is how we learn and think. So why not leverage them in your business?
After all, what’s a business if not another story you want your client to buy into, and what’s a service or product if not another stepping stone along their journey and yours?
We’ve actually created templates that have directly lead to new business that you can copy and use in your own Linkedin Marketing Here

If you’re serious about scaling your business and need support building your pipeline and bring on new clients.

Pillar 3: The Outreach
Cold outreach is not dead. You’re just not doing it right.
And on Linkedin, it has never been easier.
The key to your success with cold outreach is what we call Scalable Personalization
How does it work?
Most people spend too much time writing overly personalized messages one by one. This works, but its very draining.
Others use automation tools to scale. This works too, but done poorly, it burns a lot of bridges.
The sweet spot is Scalable Personalization.
This is when you blend the personalized touch of hand written message, with the scale of using the latest technologies.
We have an example of this approach here.